Monday, June 16, 2014

Monday, June 16 – North of Temesvar

The morning was cool and overcast and we even felt a couple of drops of rain. By early afternoon it had mostly cleared off and was quite warm. But by late afternoon it had clouded over again and cooled off and we had a bit of light rain while on the bus.

We split into two groups today. George and Erv wanted to visit some villages north of Temesvar that were not of interest to the rest, so Ray, Carol, Pat, Kathleen, Loretta, and Barbara stayed behind to tour in the city. Ray had arranged for his contact, Renee Renard, to give an informal tour. The rest of us went on the bus.

Along the way we stopped at a natural mineral spring that has been tapped. Apparently it is quite the rage with people coming substantial distances to fill water jugs. It was not to the taste of most of us however.

We stopped for lunch in Lippa before proceeding along the foot of the Carpathian Mountains through Hellburg to Zipar before turning south through Arad back to Temesvar with a stop along the way at Neu Beschenova. We were back at the hotel shortly after 7, got the gang rounded up, and were at the same restaurant as last night by 8.

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